ITS Lublin

Control Pro – Traffic Management System

Lublin, Poland

Lublin is the largest and most rapidly developing city on the right side of the Vistula River and is known as the capital of eastern Poland. As the capital of Lublin Voivodeship, it plays an important role as the administrative, economic, educational, tourist and communication centre of the region. In the last decade the city has implemented and successively developed an ITS traffic management system. This comprehensive solution improves quality of life by streamlining traffic, reducing energy consumption, and improving safety for residents.

Over several years, APM PRO has installed 18 variable message signs in five separate assignments, two weather stations and implemented Control Pro software to control the VMS messages displayed on the graphic part of the signs. VMS are the most visible element of the traffic management system in the urban space, thanks to which the Traffic Control Centre, located at ul. 27 Lipowa Street, transmits messages in graphic and text form to city traffic users, a function that is carried out using the dedicated, multimodal Control Pro application.

Operators at the Centre, together with Traffic Engineers thanks to Control Pro, can create messages adapted to the changing traffic conditions on the city’s main traffic routes.

Due to the trolleybus network and heavy traffic, the installation of the substructure with the variable message signs was quite a challenge for the contractor. However, professional teams of designers, engineers and technicians overcame obstacles in each of the five tasks. Most of the traffic management system equipment communicates with the Control Centre via a fibre optic network. Thanks to the application of the highest standards and modern technology, the City of Lublin consistently and successfully pursues its objectives with respect to transport policy, organisation, and management of road traffic in the area it administers.

Used technologies: Lufft, Control Pro.

Scope of work:

  • Control Pro software,
  • installation of weather stations – 2 units,
  • installation of Variable Message Signs (VMS) – 18 units.

Implementation period: 2014-2019.


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43-346 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Chochołowska 28
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