Control Ice Pro on S2 POW

Meteorological services and automatic anti-icing

S2, Ursynow, Warsaw, Poland

Control Ice Pro – is one of the many modules of the Control Pro platform, which is designed to monitor the performance of the meteorological protection and automatic anti-icing system. The system is installed on both sides of the tunnel, located in Ursynów, Warsaw, along the S2 POW expressway. It is an important element of the Road and Safety system on the east-west transit route.

Thanks to specialised meteorological and pavement condition sensors, the system detects any slippery conditions and automatically triggers a sprinkler system to cover the affected sections of road with anti-icing agent.

The physical architecture of the meteorological shielding and prevention system is divided into two independent sections: a 300 mb west section and a 500 mb east section.

Each section has its own Road Ice Prevention Station, Road Meteorological Station and Additional Control Set of pavement condition sensors, as well as a hydraulic system with valve nodes and sprinkler nozzles.

The total length of the sanitary system is approximately 8.5 km. There are 70 valve nodes and 232 sprinkler nozzles. These two independent subsystems are interconnected in terms of communication and software at the level of the SCADA IT platform at the TMS. Control Ice Pro integration software was implemented on this platform to monitor basic system performance, and it can be disabled if necessary.

All data from meteorological and traffic sensors as well as images from cameras are sent directly to the server at the TMS and stored there using the MODBUS communication protocol.

Important features of Control Ice Pro include monitoring:

  • the level of water and brine in the tanks, and the amount consumed,
  • selected meteorological parameters and road surface condition.

An important feature of the Control Ice Pro module is its scalability, i.e., the possibility of adding more sections covered by the anti-icing system on the S2 road, or other devices if necessary, and integrating them into a single application.

The Control Ice Pro graphics application is a useful and practical tool for road administrators.


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