Modern Traffic Management Center

Lublin road junction

Lublin, Poland

The aim was to integrate several different ITS systems built under previous contracts and to fully equip the Traffic Management Centre. The TMC ultimately serves the Lublin traffic junction consisting of several sections of expressways. The site equipment built on different road sections varied considerably due to the fact that the construction of the sections took place over many years and was carried out by different contractors. Some of the equipment was only connected via wireless.

As part of the task, APM PRO provided full equipment for the Traffic Management Centre and a conference room serving as a Crisis Management Centre.

We built a video wall comprising 10 70-inch DLP projectors, video server with the software, and an audio-video system for transmitting images and sound between rooms.

It uses the highest quality DLP LED equipment using rear projection technology. The projectors were arranged in a broken line, which improves the visibility of the images, presented on the entire surface of the video wall, for each operator.

Scope of work:

  • video wall – 10 70-inches DLP LED projectors,
  • video server with VuWall software,
  • A2 Class traffic measurement stations – 12 lanes,
  • non-invasive pavement condition sensors – 6 units,
  • audio/video system with software.


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43-346 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Chochołowska 28
Sąd Rejonowy w Bielsku-Białej VIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS, nr KRS: 0000224306
REGON: 070448967, NIP: 547-02-94-651 Wysokość kapitału zakładowego 1 000 000,00 PLN