WIM Pro on S8 pt I

WIM Pro solution improves safety on the S8 road

S8, Wrocław, Warsaw, Białystok, Poland

S8 Wrocław-Warsaw-Bialystok expressway plays a key role for national and international transport.  It connects the country’s eastern border with the west, forming the backbone of Poland’s transport system. The road links transit traffic from Poland to Belarus and, via Lithuania, to Scandinavian countries. At the same time, it is a popular tourist route connecting the capital of Poland with the Suwalsko-Augustowskie Lakeland. In 10 years, 15.3 million heavy goods vehicles have travelled along this route.

In spring 2016, APM PRO began work on the WIM Pro pre-selective vehicle weighing along the S8 road on several sections. This solution is key to improving safety and reducing the degradation of the road due to the heavy transit traffic load.

Making sure the solution was optimally parameterised to deliver correct, accurate data quickly and efficiently to the road administrator’s central database was a challenge. A special element of the task entrusted to us was to agree with the Investor the control scenarios for the variable message signs, which were built by APM PRO as part of the implemented task.

Technologies used: strain gauge sensors, VMS LED signs, WIM Pro software.

Scope of work:

As part of the completed pre-selective vehicle weighing system, APM PRO performed:

  • WIM Pro software and data storage service,
  • 6 pre-selective weighing stations,
  • the construction of 6 vehicle classification modules,
  • installation of 29 number plate recognition cameras,
  • construction of 22 variable message signs,
  • 6 data access points,
  • in addition, APM PRO designed and supplied the support structures for all cameras and signs.

Implementation period: May 2016 – May 2018.


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43-346 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Chochołowska 28
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