WIM Pro in the Middle East

Pre-selection weighing station secures bridge near seaport

2019, Middle East

The WIM station is located near the seaport, on a new stretch of road that includes several viaducts.

The WIM station with WIM Pro software consists of pressure sensors, cameras that recognise selected vehicle features and variable message signs. The station is designed to serve up to 4 lanes in one direction, providing complete data on each passing vehicle. The system is equipped with WIM Pro software, which can operate in automatic mode, appropriately controlling the movement of vehicles that exceed acceptable standards.

The challenge was to install pressure sensors in the bridge structure. By cooperating with bridge engineers, the sensors were successfully installed achieving the desired accuracy of the system. Excellent accuracy and stability were achieved by using Intercomp’s linear strain gauge sensors.

Used technologies: WIM Pro software, strain gauges.

Implementation period: 2019.


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