WIM Pro in Qatar

WIM Pro protects roads in Qatar from overloaded vehicles

Qatar, Middle-East

In 2020, APM PRO began a major project to secure roads against overloaded vehicles in Qatar.

As part of the project, pre-selection weighing stations were set up to provide vehicle data for the road administration. The project included 12 locations and 62 lanes. Vehicle data processed by the WIM Pro software is made available to system users via the NTCIP protocol. Statistics are also available, and data can be exported using the appropriate tools as required.

A major challenge was the acquisition of data in multi-lane roads. Some of the sites have up to 9 lanes in one direction and a high number of passing vehicles per day, which is a major challenge for the hardware and software. The proprietary algorithms used by APM PRO efficiently handle even such large amounts of data.

Used technologies: WIM Pro software, NTCIP.

Implementation period: 2020.


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