‘Open Doors in CZR in Stryków’ Seminar – 22-23.03.2012
ITS POLSKA association along with General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (pl. GDDKiA) organises a seminar with a tour titled ‘Open Doors in Traffic Management Centre in Stryków’ that will be held between 22-23 March 2012 in Styków, near Łódź.
The APM is the factual partner of the seminar. Its representatives will show two presentations. Marcin Miodek will take care of the topic of ‘Steering algorithms in LCS and VMS boards on the A2 motorway, Konin-Stryków section’, and Piotr Świątalski will cover the ‘Innovation of LED RGB technology in Variable Message Signs’.
The invitation to participate is directed to the government institutions representatives, self-government units, including cities, city road administrations and representatives of services, organizations, colleges, science institutes and press sectors.